Strengthening our Posture: Within and Without

When we think of core strength, our society often envisions hard, flat abdomens. This, somehow, has become the embodiment of a healthy physique in our culture and sells everything from yogurt to underwear. But is this healthy? And most of all, is this important? If we look at the most prominent yogis of the pastContinue reading “Strengthening our Posture: Within and Without”

It’s all about Balance

While finding myself falling into an old pattern, rushing frantically to teach yoga this evening, I realized that it was no big surprise that most of my yoginis had “balance” as a part of their yoga vision for 2012. Whether it was physical balance – one-legged poses, arm balances – or balance in other forms,Continue reading “It’s all about Balance”

What is Your 2012 Vision?

Visioning Drifting, without aim or purpose, is the first cause of (perceived) failure. Without a plan for your life, it is easier to follow the course of least resistance, to go with the flow, to drift with the current with no particular destination in mind. Having a definite plan for your life greatly simplifies theContinue reading “What is Your 2012 Vision?”

Aligning your Circuitry

Sometimes, I feel as if I’m a broken lamp. Flickering, unable to shine out a constant, stable stream of light. My light bulb isn’t burnt out, I’m plugged in correctly. Jiggle my cord a little, and… *WHOA* – there she is: I’m shining as bright as ever. Find the right position, and I’m back toContinue reading “Aligning your Circuitry”

Engaging in your practice

“love life, engage in it, give it all you’ve got. love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it” ~ Maya Angelou We have options when it comes to how we live life. As we all know, life isn’t always smooth and simple, nor isContinue reading “Engaging in your practice”

The Yoga Mat as your Classroom

Note: This is a class from the past. I am letting go of my procrastination today, and catching up on my yoga blog. I have skeleton posts in place, which I will try to fill in the best I can. However, I’m also trying to let go of my other “p” default pattern: perfectionism. SoContinue reading “The Yoga Mat as your Classroom”

Living your Journey

Last Monday was my final plane trip of the summer, ending my final journey before I settle down and hit the books really hard before my Naturopathic Licensing Exam in August. Although some in my position chose to defer travel until after the exam, I decided to intersperse my studying with a hint of funContinue reading “Living your Journey”

Bringing yoga off the mat

As my students know well, I love to discuss how yoga applies to everyday life. Beyond the physical benefits and the stress relief, the practice of yoga teaches us lessons far beyond the obvious. In my first class back after a small hiatus from teaching, I introduced this session’s theme: How life is reflected inContinue reading “Bringing yoga off the mat”

Reviving the Connection

I just recently returned from a trip to India. Certainly, an act almost assumed of many yogis and yoginis around the globe; our glorification of this ancient culture and all things yoga almost make India a pre-requisite. Interestingly, there was no yogic reason for my trip, and although India has always been on my bucketContinue reading “Reviving the Connection”

Staying Grounded through the Bumps

Why do we do yoga? I think the answer to this becomes obvious at the oddest of times – those times when you’re off your mat, those times when life seems the least yogic. No, it’s not when you’re showing off your titibasana as a party trick on Saturday night (not recommended without warm-up, norContinue reading “Staying Grounded through the Bumps”